SO hello!!! It has been a little while since I last did a blog because obviously I came to university and it's been busybusybusy. Today I handed in my first 2 assignments and that felt good. I have been doing a lot of things, more than I can really write about. I just wanted to let everyone know I was O.K. Brighton is a very great and cool place to be and I feel like I have only explored like 0.05% of all the exciting things to do, but I guess I have 3 years to enjoy it. I have been doing some book related things, including going to Laura Dockrill's WOT event where I met Mel Geidroyc (omg GBBO fangirl SQUEAL), Caitlin Moran, and obviously Laura Dockrill which felt like a super honour because I have loved her for aaaages and I have all of her books and everything. She is honestly the most genuine and kind person who is very supportive of me. So much that she also took part in a little video interview with me for book promotion which I will post up here soon when it is done being edited by the very nice Sanne and Cait from Hot Key.
I have tried to be a bit cultural and I have seen a stand up show with Adam Buxton at the Brighton Comedy Festival, Kernel Panic, and it was so so so good and then I MET HIM!!! Which was the dream. Sorry this is just becoming a name drop post but whatever. Then last week I saw a great and emotional show called Credible Likeable Superstar Rolemodel at the Soho Theatre in London with the girls from Hot Key. It was a very moving show about the rolemodels children get in 2013. I nearly cried a lot worrying about my 5 year old sister. Bryony Kimmings (who wrote the show) performed the show with her 9 year old niece and talked about their project Catherine Bennett- an imaginary pop star who tries to be a credible likeable superstar role model. It is very very good- google her! I saw a play on Saturday at Battersea Arts Centre called Gym Party which was o.k (6/10) and on Wednesday I'm going to see the lovely Lanterns On The Lake do some songs. Soon I will get to go home again and give hugs to everyone at home which will be really great because whilst I am having a fun time - I promise, parents!!!!! - 5 weeks of not being at home is starting to make me a little bit homesick. Which is of course a totally normal way to feel. I had a nice bit of post from my dad today with a nice record from a charity shop with a nice cover which made me smile.
Tomorrow is the vegetable market and I am going to get lots of yummy stuff- I am eating well don't worry Responsible Adults... It turns out I am quite enjoying cooking these days even if I burn literally everything to the bottom of my pans. I am really into spinach and chick peas and sweet potatoes. I am also enjoying school, English is good and interesting and I'm absolutely loving Philosophy- I'm so happy with it since I knew nothing about it before I came here. It's sometimes like hard maths but I like that it's all about feelings and gut instincts not like science or something. I do keep falling asleep in my lectures which is embarrassing/bad but I think I might take up coffee.
Anyway I guess that's all I feel like writing right now... Here are a couple of drawings I've been doing, one is about homesickness (don't WORRY I'm FINE!) (and yes i KNOW I FORGOT TO FINISH THE PATTERN ITS BUGGING ME TOO) and one is just the view from my window at night (where I saw a badger the other day).