gunna start with something about the best live act i saw this year. it was the lovely beautiful perfect swedish DREAM BOY that is Jens Lekman. i saw him at the Manchester Ruby Lounge with my friend Megan and i danced loads + laughed loads + felt emotional loads because he really is perfect! i'm so glad someone was filming it though it doesn't quite do him the justice he deserved. His new album this year isn't my favourite but it's alright and he's still worth discovering for his wonderful back catalogue if you've never heard him before.
Besides Jens another good band i saw live were The Heartbreaks all the way back in May. I didn't go to as many gigs this year as i did last year but all the ones i went to were really fun. The Heartbreaks album is mostly songs they've released before and to be honest the newer ones are my least favourite, but it's a good bit of northern indie pop anyway, although i don't know if that's the emotional attachment talking. Either way, twirling around to Delay, Delay was probably one of the highlights of 2012. Plus, fun fact, they walked past us in Trof whilst we were having tea beforehand.
Still on the vein of gigs, this year i did my first solo gigging adventure. The Indietracks warm up show with Standard Fare, Tigercats and The Birthday Kiss was only £4 and i'd wanted to see Standard Fare for AGES, so i decided to go for it even if i would be dancing on my own. SF were alright, but the best thing about that gig was Tigercats, whose album became by summer soundtrack. I even splurged out to buy the vinyl there and then cos i was having such a good time. Here i am looking pleased with it:

The whole album will make you dance but this is one of my favourite songs from it, it reminds me of summer adventures.
I did have a little go at trying to listen to some full albums, one of which being Tender Traps new one "10 Songs About Girls". I love Amelia Fletcher in Heavenly but Tender Trap had never really appealed to me before until now. They're pretty accessible pop tunes and my favourite is probably MBV (about bonding over My Bloody Valentine) but it's not on youtube. Luckily their single which i like too, Step One, is. So here it is.
Everyone on the list so far has been European (although i think Tigercats has Australian roots?) but now i shall throw in some Americans. I went to America for the first time this year so appropriately i listened to this band a lot when i was there. La Sera is Vivian Girls "Kickball Katy" and their album Sees The Light is soooooo good. My favourite, and possibly best of the year?, is Please Be My Third Eye. It makes me want to get in a car and drive and drive and drive whilst listening to fuzzy tunes.
Whilst we're talking about driving to fuzzy tunes we have to talk about the very recently released but none the less p e r f e c t Teenage by Veronica Falls. It really is great, though the album isn't out til next year! I might have overplayed it a bit now but at first it made my heart swell up like a balloon. I think they wrote it just to break my heart. Being seventeen has been so nice. (WELL DONE FOR MAKING THE LIST 2 YEARS IN A ROW VF!)
I only heard this next song kinda recently as well but it makes me feel really lovely and floaty and it's just dead nice and the whole album is pretty awesome... but i pretty much listen to this every single day. It gives me HAPPY FEELINGS. A dreamy pop love song. "feeling so good, nothing to say, just want my head on your shoulder" = describes my feelings. Criminally underrated.
I'm going to close off this list with some PROPER POP songs. Starting with Beyonce's sister Solange and this amazing piece of R&B "Losing You". It's really, really good, but i'm sure you'd imagine that seeing as she's related to The Queen. i think she just had an EP come out but it isn't on Spotify yet so I can't say if it's good, but i bet it is.
and finally well....... i have nothing to say about this one... .. . . .
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